About Us

“As proud Guernsey folk, we want you to see the best of our island, the REAL Guernsey” – Andy (Guide)

The story so far…
“We truly love our Island Home. Beautiful country lanes where we learnt to cycle, breathtaking views that we’ll never take for granted, and a coastline that imprints itself on the soul. In 2018 Tour Guernsey was founded to share the Island with you, to get you out of the big busses, off the usual “Tourist Trail” and above all, to have a bit of fun! Here’s a little bit of “random” about us, whilst it’s not strictly to do with the the tours themselves, hopefully it will give you an idea of what we stand for as a local business” – Ant (Owner)


Useful Links:

Outdoor Ambassador

Guernsey is all about the outdoors, and with such a variety of scenery that’s no surprise! Ant was nominated “Outdoor Ambassador” by Visit Guernsey, although the title doesn’t have an official badge – if it did, it would be worn with immense pride!

Small Businesses Rock!

Dunno about you, but family holidays the highlight is always stumbling across a little backstreet shop, or finding somewhere that isn’t already reviewed on the internet (yes, they do exist!). We love to support local (and appreciate how overused that phrase is). Being a small business ourselves, we always like to keep it in the family… the small business family!

Silver Guide

Every tour guide loves to tell a tall tale or two, it’s part of the fun! Rest assured though, our island knowledge absorbed through a lifetime of interest is backed up by accreditation with The Bailiwick of Guernsey Guild of Accredited Guides!